Feeling refreshed and ready for the new school year

We are really proud to return with so many tales of success and feeling refreshed for the new year.
I hope you enjoyed the summer holiday and coped with the extreme heat at the end of July and into August. Our summer has seen some excellent results at A Level and GCSE and seen many happy students progress onto their universities, sixth forms and colleges of first choice. We are really proud to return with so many tales of success and feeling refreshed for the new year.
I am also pleased to be writing this letter to you. Existing parents of the school will know that I had a period of illness last summer, and was not in school for much of the last term. Following surgery in June I am starting my recovery plan which, at present, is going well. I have returned to work – I was in school on both results days in August and have been in for several days this week. I do continue to be in a phased return to work, so Mr Mirtschin will continue to support me as Acting Headteacher at times when I am not in school. I would like to extend my thanks to Mr Mirtschin for stepping up so effectively last term, and continuing to support me this term.
Thank you to the parents that contacted me last term with messages of support and care, they were much appreciated. I am really looking forward to completing my recovery and moving forwards, part of which includes meeting all of our students next week. Here is a reminder about the timings for the start of term.
Monday 5th September (Year 7 and Year 12 students only)
Tuesday 6th September (all year groups)
School Photograph Day
School photograph day will be on Tuesday 6th September for students in Years 7, 9, 11 and 12. We take photographs of our students when they join us in Year 7 and then every other year, so we can have up to date images and families can choose to buy these photographs after each two year interval.
The company taking the photographs, Pret-a-portrait, will send small ID cards of the photos to us at school that will then be distributed to you, via your child. The packs should then be returned directly to Pret-a-portrait, not to the school. We will let you know when these have been sent out so you know to check your child’s bag.
Please ensure that your child arrives at school in full school uniform with no jewellery, other than the permitted ear studs and no makeup.
School meal price increases
As you will be aware the cost of food and raw ingredients has risen significantly in the past months. As a school, we have held off increasing prices in the canteen over the past few years, not passing increases in cost onto families and subsidising the cost of the food we serve. Sadly, we are not able to continue to do this and a new set of prices will be in effect from the beginning of the autumn term, which reflects the increased cost.
We, staff and governors, are very aware about the pressures of increasing costs across the board for all of our families. If you would like to check if you are eligible for free school meals, please follow this link: https://www.sutton.gov.uk/-/free-school-meals-and-pupil-premium. Students who are in receipt of free school meals will have their daily allowance increased accordingly.
We really look forward to seeing all our students on their first day back next week, whether those returning to school for their seventh and final year, or those joining us for the very first time.
Wishing you all the best,
Mr N House, Headteacher