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Greenshaw High School

Assemblies at Greenshaw

Assemblies at Greenshaw High School are one of the few opportunities for all members of a year group to gather together on a regular basis. Assemblies are a space in which important announcements can be shared, and the school can communicate key social, moral, spiritual and cultural concepts (SMSC) that create and foster a strong and united community.

Current law requires all state-funded schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to hold daily acts of ‘Collective Worship’. As a school with no formal religious character, this worship must be ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character’. However, we have a diverse student population in regard to faith, so we have drawn upon the main tenets of Christianity to create inclusive themes that are relevant to members of Greenshaw High School, regardless of their religious belief.

The majority of our assembly themes will work on a two-year rotation, to ensure that we cover a wide range of social, moral, spiritual and cultural concepts. The exceptions to this are Black History Month, International Women's Day, Pride Month, Remembrance and Holocaust Memorial Day. These are themes we have chosen to focus on every year because of their national prominence, and they support our drive to tackle prejudice and discrimination in all their forms.

Theme of the week

Following assemblies, students undertake a reflection task followed by a discussion in an afternoon tutor time, delivered by form tutors. These tasks deepen students' understanding of each assembly theme and content and give time for students to consider how their skills and qualities can be used to make a positive difference to the school and the wider community. 

Aims of our assemblies 

  • To provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their place within the world and how their ability to change society.
  • To encourage students to respect others, our school community and the wider world.
  • To teach students how to determine right from wrong.
  • To teach students to appreciate their own cultural and religious traditions and the diversity and richness of other cultures and religions.
  • To inspire our students to become responsible, moral and respectful members of society.

Assembly planning 2024-25





PM  registration slot 


5th September
Introduction to year

9th September
Summer reflection

7th October



11th November
Anti bullying week PSHE

25th November
EDI Team Disability awareness month

9th December

Monday 11th November PM registration


Monday 18th PM registration 
UK Parliament Week


7th January

13th January
House system 

27th January
Safer Internet Day 

Monday 27th January PM registration

Holocaust Memorial Day


3rd March

17th March
Social science



22nd April

12th May
Mental health awareness



2nd June
World Ocean Day

16th June
EDI Team South Asian Heritage Month

14th July
Head of Year 

Monday 9th June PM registration 
World Pride Day