Sixth Form expectations
Greenshaw Sixth Form is a happy and productive environment in which our students thrive, both in terms of their academic studies and also in their social skills, well-being and preparation for life post-school. Below you can find details of what you can expect when you join us in September.
THE ASPIRE Curriculum
You can download information about our Aspire curriculum below.
A Level studies and developing an A Level mindset
Sixth Form students follow a tutorial programme developed to support them with their academic studies. The A Level mindset is embedded throughout our academic support and aims to help students recognise and develop good study habits, not just for their time during A Levels but beyond. Recognising the need for good organisation, and learning about how we learn informs students on the choices they need to make in order to be successful learners. In times of information overload and endless distractions, learning and being encouraged to use a range of study and revision techniques as part of the A Level mindset programme helps our students to become more disciplined and committed learners. These techniques are regularly supported and encouraged by departments to be used as part of homework and independent study.
Pastoral support and guidance
Pastoral support and guidance is absolutely embedded within everything we do at Greenshaw sixth form. There is a wide range of support opportunities in school, which include:
- Team of dedicated year group specialist Form Tutors who are responsible for your pastoral care while in sixth form.
- Y13 welcoming committee representatives for each y12 tutor group to aid transition.
- First-half term review with each external student with tutors to make sure you’ve had a positive start to your new school.
- Weekly drop in pastoral and counselling support (Thursday P6).
- Sixth form counsellor available through consultation with the Head of Sixth Form.
- Y13 student representatives who will support you both in feeling positive about your subjects and provide opportunities to get involved with charity and team building events.
- Exam Anxiety workshops with external speakers.
- Tutor sessions on a range of topics connected to mental health, positive relationships, and safety
- Support available from the sixth form leadership team in accessing pastoral and wellbeing support outside of Greenshaw.
- Extra-Curricular and Enrichment.
Destinations and post-18 planning
Each student is allocated a Year 13 specialist tutor to support them in post-18 planning. This tutor will provide information in registration and mentoring about UCAS, apprenticeships, interview techniques, money management, and will provide references for each of their tutees.
Find out more about our destinations here and post-18 planning here.
Student leadership roles
We actively encourage our students to take pride in becoming student leaders of our sixth form and wider school community. These roles develop each year in line with need and interests of our students, but at present leadership opportunities include:
- Head students
- Year 13 subject representatives supporting Year 12 students with their studies
- Year 12 tutor representatives team
- Bold Voices representatives (focusing on gender inequality campaigning)
- Equality and diversity Sixth Form committee
- Becoming a lower school maths mentor
- Sports Leaders enrichment group
- Widening participation co-ordinator
- Year 13 welcoming committee
- Charity enrichment group
- Opportunity to be a ward panel respresentative in the local community.
Sixth Form expectations
Greenshaw Sixth Form has a non uniform dress code. Students are allowed to dress in casual/smart attire, so long as they comply with a small number of rules – no headgear inside the school, no offensive slogans/images, no track suits or jogging bottoms and skirt lengths/styles need to be appropriate for a school environment. Students are asked to follow our dress code and to exercise a modicum of common sense as to whether what they are wearing is appropriate dress for a place of learning.
We reserve the right to require a student to change any item of clothing that we deem to be inappropriate or not in line with our dress code.
Please refer to our dress code below.
You can find more information about attendance here.
Click here for timings of the school day.