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Support for plans for new secondary school

Support Greenshaw in its bid for funding to build a new secondary school.

Further to our statement of 11 September, Greenshaw High School has applied to the Department of Education (DfE) for funding to build a new mixed comprehensive secondary school to open in the Borough of Sutton in September 2017.

If our application is successful we can bring extra and much needed funding into the Borough to help provide the school places that are urgently required in this area.

As part of the application process we are required to demonstrate that our proposals have the support of parents - in particular parents of children currently in year 3 and 4, who will be the first to have the chance to attend the new school, and also younger children who may attend the school in future. 

To register your support for our proposals, please complete the online form here.

Please tell your family and friends about our proposal and encourage them to support us too.

To find out more, click here.

Thank you and best wishes,

Mike Cooper
Chair of Governors