Recognising students' achievements
The Awards Evening last night celebrated the achievements of Year 11 and sixth form students.
Greenshaw held an Awards Evening last night to celebrate the achievements of its Year 11 and sixth form students.
In addition to an address by Mr Smith, Headteacher, the audience enjoyed musical entertainment from Amy, James and Max, who each played a piano solo during the evening.
Students who have so far achieved the highest academic performance in Years 11 and 12 received certificates for their outstanding performance. They are to be congratulated on their accomplishments and we hope that they continue to strive for success.
Year 11 and Year 13 students who had been nominated for a subject award each received a glass trophy, individually engraved with their name, along with a certificate and gift voucher. Fred, in Year 13, was presented with a special Headteacher’s Award by Mr Smith and Antoine was awarded the John Fuller Achievement Award, which acknowledges the highest level of commitment to learning in Year 11.
Families, students and staff enjoyed refreshments after the event.
Deputy Headteacher and Head of Year 11, Mr House, said: “Our congratulations go to all the award winners and we wish them the very best of luck in their upcoming exams. We look forward to celebrating their results in the summer.”
Mr Mirtschin, Director of Sixth Form, added: “These students have been working incredibly hard throughout the year and the awards recognise their achievements. We are sure that this will be reflected in excellent results which will ensure their successful entry into the university courses of their choice.”