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Greenshaw High School

Welcome back!

It has been a great first week back to school.

It has been a great welcome back to all students this week, albeit very cold with even a hint of snow on the first day of term, ironically following the Christmas break. The school site survived the worst of the storms over the second week of the holidays, with minor roof damage in the high winds that will need repair. However, there were no leaks or water damage and the buildings are all in perfectly good condition.

Students of the term

I wanted to express my congratulations to the students of last term. To be nominated as a student of the term demonstrates something special in their attitude to their peers, the community or their learning. Well done to each and every one of them.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Sixth Form






Adara / Nirushan

Students of the week

Despite only having four days of school this week we already have nominations from form tutors, Heads and Deputy Heads of Year for the students of the first week of 2024. Congratulations to all of those below – their nominations cover academic, social and sporting achievements. 

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Sixth Form






Aburvan / Emily / Arnav

The week coming – Years 11 and 12

I wish good luck to all students in Year 12 with their exams next week, starting Monday 15th January. These assessments do not have the status of final public exams, but we will use the information from them to get a sense of how our students have started their new A Level courses.  

For all families of Year 11 students, please be aware that we have our parents’ evening on Thursday 18th January. There have been several communications about this, but it is still possible for families to get appointments. Please contact the school at with your child’s name and we will get back to you at the start of next week.

So at the end of the first week, only four days for students, I still wish all members of the school a restful weekend and look forward to seeing all refreshed on Monday.