Summer Term Trips Being Planned

Attendance has been excellent this week for many, many students.
Thank you to all families that have ensured that their children have been attending school all week –this has been our best single week of attendance since the first half term and I am really proud of the efforts all of our students are making. Hopefully, the worst of the winter bugs are beyond us now – fingers crossed!
Summer term activities in 2024
We are exploring being able to make some trips outside of school, as well as having educational visitors coming into school. You will be aware that school funding has not been great over recent years, and I know that all families are feeling the pressure of rising costs. However, I am keen to come up with a way to give students the benefits that a wide range of learning can give.
We will be able to share some details of the exact opportunities before the end of the spring term. I hope that we will be able to get some students off site over the last two days of the summer term, and get others involved in activities in school beyond normal lessons. These activities might be cultural, related to careers or teamwork, or a combination of all three. Whatever we do at the end of this school year will be a great addition to the daily taught curriculum, and we may develop this further over the coming years. Look out for more details later in the term.
Students of the week
Congratulations goes to our stars of the week listed below for maintaining their commitment, focus and sense of drive. Well done to all!
- Year 7 - Manasri
- Year 8 - Willow
- Year 9 - Hiera
- Year 10 - Elizabeth
- Year 11 - TBC
- Sixth Form - Jathursan and Mahir
Sutton’s Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF)
Families eligible for HAF vouchers will be sent these via the school system from the 28th February. At the bottom of the page is further information regarding activities available over the Easter break and how to book a place for your child.
Wishing you all the best for a restful weekend.
Nick House, Headteacher