Sixth Form open evening was a great success

We welcomed Year 11 students to our Sixth Form open evening yesterday.
It was great to welcome many of our Year 11 families to our Sixth Form open evening. The application form is now available on our website and can be accessed here. All students looking to join our Sixth Form should now complete the application form.
NHS report on vaping
New figures from NHS Digital show a decrease in numbers of school children taking drugs and smoking cigarettes but an increase in vaping, with 9% of 11 to 15 year olds currently using e-cigarettes. In PSHE lessons students learn about the dangers. Please be aware that students are not allowed to carry vapes in school and if they are found with a vape they will be issued with a serious sanction.
Supporting your teen with exam stress (webinar)
Over the next two weeks, students in Year 11 and 13 will be sitting practice assessments in each of their subjects. The NHS Education Wellbeing Service is running a free virtual webinar on Monday 21st November 2022 from 1.30-3.00pm. The aim of the webinar is to improve parents’ understanding and explore different ways to support exam stress and anxiety. If you are interested in joining this webinar then please register your interest using the following link:
For further guidance please email
Work experience
We are now in a position to again offer work experience to Year 10 students and this will take place between Monday 27th March and Friday 31st March 2023. Many of our students have already secured some excellent placements. We will be delivering a virtual information night on 1st December from 5.00pm to 5.45pm. Further information will be sent to Year 10 families on how to join. Year 12 work experience will be held towards the end of the summer term. If you are in a position to offer a work experience place to one of our students, then please contact Mrs Sone -
Students of the week
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Sixth Form |
Students |
Rehanna |
Thavarnika |
Melisa/Sophia |
Maizie |
Ellie |
Vern/Jess |
Tutor Groups |
7JAN |
8DM |
9DPL |
10DC |
11MB |
12SCA/13BB |
Wishing you all the very best.
Mr J Mirtschin, Acting Headteacher