Our Christmas ten-day challenge!

Students are already rising to our ten-day challenge!
Last week I read one of the nicest pieces of writing that I think I have ever read from a Greenshaw student in my many years here. The poet, Joshua in Year 9, wrote:
In Greenshaw’s halls, where knowledge finds its home,
Young minds are nurtured, free to dream and grow.
With teachers guiding, never feeling alone,
A place where curiosity’s seeds are sown.
So let us raise a cheer, with hearts aglow,
For Greenshaw High School, where dreams and knowledge flow.
I hope you will agree this is a well crafted piece, but also that the messages are so positive. This piece of writing was not part of a set task, but something that the writer completed in his own time and shared with his teacher at the end of the lesson. Amongst some of the gloomier days of winter that piece of writing certainly brought light and joy. Well done Joshua.
Ten Day Challenge – every day between now and the end of term
We have had a great start to the ‘Ten Day Challenge’. Today saw our highest attendance of the week, and much higher than last Friday – so thank you all for your support in making sure that, where possible, students are in school.
To clarify, if a student has a pre-existing off-site appointment (hospital, dental, etc) they need to show their letter/appointment card or similar to their form tutor. Prearranged medical appointments will not count against a student's otherwise 100% attendance in the last nine days.
Students of the Week
Congratulations to our stars of the last five days who have demonstrated something special in their attitude to their peers, the community or their learning. Well done to each and every one of them.
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Sixth Form |
Charli |
Joel |
Vivianna |
Olivia-May |
Charley |
Kayci / Janush |
Flu vaccinations
The rescheduled flu vaccination is next Tuesday 12th December. If your child feels unwell the following day, please note that they should still attend school as normal, but do give them some pain relief. Any 'low level illness' absences following the vaccination will be recorded as an unauthorised absence on your child's attendance record.
Christmas giving
In the last week of term, we will be making a food collection from Greenshaw that we will then transport to the Sutton FoodBank so we can support those for whom the price of food is too difficult to cope with. I will write to you again next week, but if you shop this weekend and can purchase an extra non-perishable item such as canned items (soup, vegetables, fruit, stew, beans) dried pasta, rice, noodles, biscuits, jam, peanut butter or treats, that will be very helpful in the last week of term.
Wishing you all restful weekends.
Nick House, Headteacher