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Greenshaw High School

Open mornings

Open mornings are now available for parents.

Students of the week

I would like to start by congratulating each of these individuals for everything they have achieved this week. Well done for setting such high standards.

  • Year 7 - Inaya
  • Year 8 - Jaedine
  • Year 9 - Melodee
  • Year 10 - Mayooraprian
  • Year 11 - Zaim
  • Sixth Form - Adara and Aswath

Open mornings, 9:00am on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd February

On the first Tuesday and Wednesday after the half term break we will be running ‘learning walks’, inviting parents in to see what lessons are typically like and walk around school on a normal day. In the past parents have enjoyed these opportunities to see what typical lessons are (with things you might have heard of, like ‘Do Now’ quizzes and mini whiteboards) and understand their children’s learning experiences first hand. 

If you would like to see the school at work please email us at, indicating whether you'd prefer the Tuesday or Wednesday morning. We will add additional days as necessary, so do let us know if you are interested but cannot make these particular days.

Remote learning on Wednesday

The vast majority of pupils managed to get online on Wednesday and complete the remote learning we made available. We were aware that access was slower than we would want as we had around 3,800 attempts to access our ‘Frog’ website in the first half of the day. This compares with about 2,000 log-ins on a typical day, that would occur across a range of different times, so Wednesday’s pressures (sharply increased numbers in a tight time) did inevitably lead to some bottlenecks.

We have contacted the company that hosts our ‘Frog’ server and they have increased the bandwidth, which should improve the accessibility of the site, especially if there is a high demand at any one given time. 

The building project

Please do continue to express your views about the proposed rebuilding of parts of our school. If you take part in one of the open mornings next half term you will be able to see some of the areas for development for yourself. It is really important that we demonstrate that the views of a range of people are taken into account before submitting the finalised planning application so if you could please share your views via our website feedback form here

Kind regards,

Mr House