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Greenshaw High School

Mock exams start

And Years 7, 8 and 9 complete a new maths challenge.

This week our Year 13 students have been sitting their practice assessments and today the Year 11s have commenced theirs.

Safeguarding update – livestreaming age restrictions

TikTok has frequently been called out for its failures to protect under 18s using its service and it has been very popular amongst school-aged children. This month, TikTok is raising its minimum age for livestreaming from 16 to 18. You might already be aware that Meta (which owns Facebook and Instagram) and Google (which owns YouTube) have a minimum livestreaming age of 13.

Further information and guidance can be found here:

GLT Maths Problem of the Fortnight - Year 7, 8 and 9

Every fortnight there will be a new mathematics problem for students to complete and submit their solutions. The second task has now been uploaded to Frog ready for students to complete. We had an excellent uptake with the first challenge and have recognised those involved with a text message home.

Students and tutor groups of the week


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Sixth Form


Eloghene Veronica





Tutor Groups


8TF 9NHD 10EDH 11NWL 12JJ / 13JDO / 13NFH

Our congratulations go to all those listed for maintaining their commitment, focus and sense of drive –well done everyone.  

Wishing you all the very best.

Mr J Mirtschin, Acting Headteacher