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Greenshaw High School


Well another grim week of rain and high winds. This morning we opened the main doors at 8:00am to allow pupils in to the hall, rather than having to wait at their individual gates until 8:20.

Obviously this brings challenges about us being able to supervise students while teachers are busy supervising their lessons but where at all possible we do not seek to leave pupils outside, wet and cold before a full day of learning. 

Do be aware, there are occasions when pupils tell us, ‘I’m all right out here’ and wish to remain, sometimes to meet their friends before school. Whenever possible, we will always seek to get them in and make sure they, and their school books and PE kit (!) stay as dry as possible first thing on a rainy day.

GCSE Subject Pathways, pupils in Years 8 & 9

Thank you to so many families and pupils in these year groups who attended the information event on Wednesday evening. While we run some of our events online, and this remains more convenient and efficient, I am also delighted that we can mix this with some events where families come in to school and meet up in person. I thought it was brilliant to see so many of you in person, and we continue to think about how we communicate with families, mixing in person and online.

All pupils in Years 8 & 9 have already had significant information about the pathways in assembly and on Frog, our in school online learning platform. But it is really important to make sure families are on the same page and hear the same messages.

For pupils in Year 8 it is to consider what subjects pupils may want to add into their curriculum. We call this their ‘Transition’ year. For pupils in Year 9, it is deciding what GCSE qualifications these pupils would want to sit in what we call our ‘Specialisation’ phase of Years 10 & 11.

Please be assured that as all students will follow English language, English literature and maths GCSEs, as well as GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics all students at Greenshaw will have a broad range of subjects. In addition, all students follow the statutory subjects of Personal Social Health Education and Physical Education. So from this base our pupils are able to increasingly tailor their programme while keeping all pathways for the future open. 

Follow up information will come home over the next day or so for families in Years 8 & 9. Remember this phase is one for reflection, conversation and looking at course outlines on Frog. We ask for pupils’ preferences in the week beginning 18th March and we will remind you about this during that week.

6th Form Model United Nations visit

Last weekend a group of Sixth Form Greenshaw students took their place at the West London Model United Nations day at the American School in London at being Delegates representing various countries. Important matters were debated and some resolutions successfully passed on issues such as women’s rights, the environment and human rights. Our students represented brilliantly, receiving awards for their contribution. Particular thanks to Ms Reid for giving up a day over the weekend, it is much appreciated.

Students of the week

Congratulations goes to our stars of the week listed below for maintaining their commitment, focus and sense of drive. Well done to all!

Year 7 - Amir

Year 8 - Dristi

Year 9 - Fariha

Year 10 - Shraym

Year 11 - TBC

Year 12 and 13 - Corey, Danayl and Jaden


Wishing you all the best for a restful weekend.

Kind regards,

Nick House
