Embracing change with a reusable water bottle

As the weather warms up, we are encouraging students to bring in a refillable bottle to stay hydrated.
Well the sun has at last truly arrived this week. Lunchtimes have become more of a time where students seek shelter under the playground trees as much as running around. Last night it was great to see the Science Club venture outside, testing the qualities of different bubble solutions in the bright sunlight was so refreshing. The warmer weather does also bring its challenges, of which more later.
Students of the week
First of all, congratulations to these students below that have embodied all the values of our school. Their hard work and endeavours have seen them achieve well and we are very proud of their achievements. Well done.
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Sixth Form |
Florence |
Felicity |
Sara |
Geoff |
Ekow |
Naima, Emelia, Ebba, Laura |
Bringing in reusable water bottles – as it warms up
There are water points in each of the dining halls and outside the sports hall from where students can top up their bottles. This can be before school, during five minute lesson changeovers and at morning break or lunch.
However, we also supply purchasable water in bottles as part of our break and lunch offer and a good proportion of students do buy these. At Little Lunch (Year 7 and 8 students) today I watched around 60 or 70 bottles being sold and although we have recycling options for the students, this is nowhere near as environmentally sound as repeated reuse of the same bottle.
Being a plastic free school?
Yesterday was World Ocean Day and all of this week Year 12 students Ebba, Emelia, Laura and Naima (members of our school Eco Group) have been urging students in assemblies to bring in a reusable bottle. They have been explaining how filling a reusable bottle several times during the day (for free!) is a much better option than contributing to the ongoing pollution of the world’s waters by buying single use bottles. They also shared information about the increasing concerns of micro plastics being found in the blood of otherwise healthy people.
Our Eco Group would like us to consider becoming a plastic free school. Although the use of plastic is something that runs through so much of modern manufacturing I think our first step forwards should be reducing our use of single use plastics. Although this may lead to us taking slightly less money in the school canteen (with a reduction in bottles sold from our fridges) it is my responsibility to work this through.
With the weather warming up, rehydration is an important part of our students remaining alert and in a good place for learning in the summer term. The Eco Group will be texting families and students to remind them about packing a reusable water bottle in their bags next week, and we will see how much we can cut back, especially on unnecessary use of plastic.
Staff and Sixth Form football match
On the last evening before half term there was a football match between our staff and the Sixth Form students. The result (3-1 in favour of the staff, in case you are interested) is only of slight importance as, far more significantly, the match raised over £1,700 for the group ‘Jigsaw4U’. I am really proud that the staff and students took part in raising money for a local charity that supports families and young people affected by bereavement, but also far more as well. Thank you to all those involved.
Wishing you all weekends of sunshine, suncream and asking you to please support our Eco Group and ensure that all students have a reusable water bottle with them on Monday morning.
Have a great weekend.
Mr N House, Headteacher