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Greenshaw High School

Developing our students outside the classroom

We are planning two activity days at the end of the summer term.

I am sure that many of us have a range of different memories from our time at school. Some relate to lessons and classroom experiences, but many of them also come from activities and trips outside of the classroom. Since the return to regular school after the Covid lockdowns, the focus has rightly been on the classroom, but I am really proud that we are going to develop the experience of our students outside the classroom. 

Activity days: Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd July

We are planning for the last two days of the summer term to really develop our students’ subject knowledge, beyond standard lessons. These will include visiting speakers, actors performing in school and challenge activities, as well as visits off-site to museums and areas of interest.

Where there is a significant cost for these activities, for example, where the school is booking a coach for transport and hiring a venue off site, we will be asking families for a contribution to these costs. Miss Webb will be writing to all families of students explaining about the activities that are planned for each year group, as well as the arrangements for payment. I can reassure families that none of the activities are significantly expensive (none are overseas, for example) and we will make sure that cost is not a factor that prevents any of our students from taking a full part.

Students of the week

Our congratulations go to our stars of the week listed below for maintaining their commitment, focus and sense of drive. Well done to everyone!

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Sixth Form







Exams at Greenshaw

Our Year 11 students are in the second week of their exams. They are doing brilliantly, seeming to have just the right mix of hard work and a sense of calm. Of course, exam grades come from years of learning, but here are some of the things we have in place in the days running up to an exam to support and reassure our students.

  • We open school from 7:45am for what we call ‘Early 30’ which is half an hour of additional revision space (staffed, and supported with Chrome books and revision guides). There is a large number of students, and Sixth Form students have been there supporting their younger peers.
  • The day before an exam, we run a ‘booster’ session on that subject. This will last about an hour and include key subject information, as well as allowing students to check any subject questions.
  • Immediately before a GCSE exam (in the morning or afternoon), we run a 20 minute ‘warm up’. This is intended to clarify the students’ performance in the coming paper, focusing on the structure of the paper and key answering techniques.

Our Year 13 students have just begun their exams. They have all day access to the Sixth Form Resource Centre (their study area with tables and PCs) but also follow some of the areas above. For example, this morning we ran a warm up for the Year 13 psychology students, before their A Level exams.

So, a week of exam activity for Year 11 and Year 13, as well as the prospect of some great non-classroom learning at the end of term. 

Wishing you all a restful weekend.

Mr N House, Headteacher

(Image by macrovector on Freepik)