Assembly theme – taking responsibilty

The Headteacher's weekly update, including information about next week's assembly.
You know it has been cold day after day when nearly every student arrived this morning with a coat on, and many with gloves and hats as well. As the parent of two secondary-aged children, I know the challenge of persuading a teenager to even consider wearing a coat, so it definitely must be cold when hundreds of children walk into school each day fully wrapped up! Thankfully, slightly milder weather beckons next week, so I look forward to returning to the reassuring sight of youngsters arriving in just jumpers… even in January.
As I walked around classrooms this morning, I can let you know that the vast majority of classrooms are very warm. For example, if you ask your child about their lessons in English this week, that block is almost snug, but I cannot promise the same for the playgrounds.
Assemblies theme – taking responsibility
We have been running assessments with Year 12 this week in the hall and can return to assemblies next week. I will be leading the first cycle of the term and the theme will be ‘Taking Responsibility’. I am trying to avoid a too clichéd talk on New Year’s resolutions, but instead use the new term as a chance for all of us in school to remember the things we individually should take responsibility for.
Some of this will include day-to-day routines of school, such as completing homework or being on time for each lesson. I will then take this further into what taking responsibility for others might look like, including actions such as being a good friend and taking responsibility for the feelings of others. On a broader scale, taking responsibility for the school community, through things like the School Council, or even global responsibility for areas like the environment.
Students of the week
Congratulations to our students of the week – nominations always cover a range of academic, social and sporting achievements. Well done to all!
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Sixth Form |
Trevin |
Ali |
Nickish |
Zonia |
Isabel |
Ishan / Abigail |
Illness and school attendance
You will be aware that we have talked a lot, and worked very hard, on ensuring that school attendance is as high as possible. But there remains the valid concern about young people who are genuinely ill needing time to rest, while also not sharing any contagious illness more widely. In a helpful piece of timing, The UK Health security agency (UKHSA) published a press release detailing back-to-school advice for parents.
They describe five steps that parents can take to reduce infections spreading in the community that include teaching good hygiene habits, how to stop the spread of stomach bugs and what you should be looking for if you are considering keeping your child at home for illness. There is also information about vaccinations. The UKHSA also publishes a blog about keeping our children healthy and ready for school – you can follow this link to read the advice.
Nick House, Headteacher