An exciting finish to the half term

Students have been taking part in summer sports this week.
Finishing the term on a sunny day was a real bonus at the end of a super busy six-week half-term.One of the most exciting things has been the building work on our site beginning to take shape, as you will read below. Although much of the summer term in a secondary school is dedicated to A Level and GCSE exams, there have been lots of activities to be proud of beyond these. It has been particularly great to see students taking part in summer sports, like relays around the running track in the change of season, and how focused students have remained on their learning even in the warmer days this term.
Most excitingly, we have shared details this week of the visits in school and trips out at the end of this term. We are calling these two days our ‘Curriculum Enhancement Days’. Thank you to those parents that have signed up and already paid (where the activities are charged) using the ‘My Child at School’ app. Any queries about this, please contact Miss Webb at school, and we will be able to sort them for you.
The building project – an update
Over the last half term, the building company contracted to undertake the rebuilding of our school, Bowmer and Kirkland (known as B&K), has started initial work next to Grennell Road. Between our Modern Languages building and the sports hall block they have been preparing the footings for their staff welfare facilities. Over half-term containers for the construction team will be delivered, allowing the builders to have more staff on site. Throughout their time on our site, the construction will always be carried out within contained compounds. I can also share with families that B&K have been very considerate contractors, having frequent meetings with the school.
For example, they added sound proofing (which I now understand is called acoustic baffling) around a particular piece of work to further reduce the sound impact at our request. After half-term we will set up a dedicated section of our website detailing updates and I will, of course, always use these weekly letters for key information about the build.
Students of the term
At the end of a term we celebrate the work and efforts of our very finest in each year group. So huge congratulations to the students listed below for being absolutely brilliant.
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Sixth Form |
Kabinaash |
Banu |
Nafissa |
Support while school is closed
At Greenshaw we work closely with a variety of agencies, including the London Borough of Sutton, volunteer groups and the NHS. Please be aware that our website has many signposts to support agencies in the section ‘Care & Support’ as needed.
Returning… to Week 2
I wish all students a well-deserved rest over the next week. We welcome our students back on Week 2, so please remind your child to pack the correct books for their Week 2 timetable lessons.
Wishing you all the very best.
Mr N House, Headteacher