A warm welcome and showing kindness

At Greenshaw High School, we remain committed to mutual respect and the importance of embracing difference.
I am so proud of our school, particularly in the welcome and kindness our students show one another and staff. We have a group of people with a shared sense of purpose and a clear sense of community. At Greenshaw, we remain committed to mutual respect and the importance of embracing difference.
This has been seen so vividly brought to life in the visit of the group of Spanish students. This afternoon we bade a fond farewell to the students from Spain who have completed their fortnight of lessons with us, and return home this weekend. The friendships established have been so warming to witness and many memories made (pictured above and left).
This has also been brought to life in assemblies this week with one of our Assistant Headteachers, Miss Weatherhead, speaking to students about our connectedness across the world with others, particularly when natural disasters occur. It has been great to see our students make donations, of any size, into the donation buckets staff have for the appeal we are supporting. (See the item on the Red Cross appeal below). Miss Weatherhead’s assembly focused on four ideas: courage; kindness; friendship; and character. Those values sum up the best of our school and community, day to day whether welcoming students here, or making donations to those in emergency need in other countries.
INSET day, Friday 6th October
A reminder that school will be closed on Friday 6th October for an INSET day. Parents have generally said that they appreciate INSET days at the start or end of a week, running into the weekend, and I hope next Friday is not too intrusive for our families. There are no other school closures between now and January.
Curriculum and assessment webinar
We held a webinar on Tuesday evening for parents in Years 7 to 9 to explain our approach to curriculum and assessment, including homework. If you were not able to attend, please click here to view a recording of the event.
Police drop-in session – Sutton Green Cafe, 247 High Street Sutton
The Metropolitan Police are holding an informal drop-in session on Monday, 2nd October between 5.30pm and 7.00pm. You do not need to make an appointment; just walk in and they will be on hand to answer your questions, hear your concerns and offer helpful crime-prevention advice.
Morocco/Libya plea for donations to the Red Cross
This week’s assembly has focused upon the devastation in North Africa caused by the recent earthquakes and floods. We explored the theme of compassion – our human ability to feel the suffering of others even though we ourselves are not suffering. In light of this, we have invited all students to make some small donations to raise money to help the relief effort organised by the Red Cross/Crescent Organisation. This can be done online via MCAS and via the donation buckets at the school gate. Any and all donations will be gratefully received.
Students of the week
Congratulations to our stars of the week who have demonstrated something special in their attitude to their peers, the community or their learning. Well done to each of them.
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Sixth Form |
Alfie |
Nathanael / Luke |
Deborah |
Maliya-Skye |
Angeline |
Jamal / Pj |
Wishing you all a restful weekend.
Nick House, Headteacher