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Greenshaw High School

A reminder for Sixth Form

Year 11 geography students enjoyed a field trip  this week.

This time next week we will be dismissing our students for half term. It is the first time in a number of years where we have not had an INSET day on the final Friday of the half term. Could I use this opportunity to remind you that Friday next week will be a normal school day.

Sixth Form open evening

Our Sixth Form open evening is being held on the 17th November from 4:30pm until 7:00pm. During the evening there will be a presentation from our Sixth Form team and an opportunity to speak to subject specialists and A Level students for advice. Our Sixth Form continues to have enormous success with both academic outcomes and destinations and we look forward to our students remaining with us for the next phase of their education. There will be a separate communication to our Year 11 families with further information. 

Year 11 geography trip

Our Year 11 geography students have been visiting the River Wandle in Beddington Park, to investigate the characteristics of a river channel at various points along the river course as part of their fieldwork requirement. We are pleased to again be offering educational trips as part of our students' curriculum offer. There will be further mentions of trips in our end of term newsletter in December.

Student and tutor groups of the week

This week

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Sixth Form

Student(s) of the week






Yusra & Seyram

Tutor Group(s) of the week






12JJ / 12KA

Our congratulations go to all those listed below for maintaining their commitment, focus and sense of drive - well done to everyone.  

Wishing you all the very best.                                                                     

Mr J Mirtschin

Acting Headteacher