Big Ideas at Greenshaw

The Big Ideas that Shape Our World – educating students for success in life.
At the end of a rainy and windy week, I spoke with some of our Year 7 students at lunch today. We reflected on their week (that included assessments in each subject) and how they felt they had gone. I was struck by how serious the students were about being successful, but also reminded myself of what we think about learning here at Greenshaw.
One of the most important things about our school is that we educate our students so that they can be successful in life, and exams. At the same time, I never want to be a school that only teaches our young people to pass exams. So I really enjoyed visiting students in Years 8 & 9 on Wednesday morning following our unique course, The Big Ideas that Shape Our World.
We teach students in Year 8 about the Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries – a time when ideas in science, government and economics (among other areas) were becoming formalised. This meant that I walked into classrooms to hear students debating about the importance of learning history and geography now, as well as whether schools should find more space for contemporary topics like the possible impact of Artificial Intelligence.
In Year 9, students read about the creation of the welfare state in the middle of the 20th century, including the expansion of National Insurance and the creation of the National Health Service. In both years, students then wrote extended pieces about each topic, with structured responses. Some of these were significantly beyond the levels of thinking that I was encouraged to undertake when I was thirteen or fourteen years old. So I hope this ‘Big Ideas’ work, alongside our brilliant reading programme, really gives our students significantly more understanding of the world than the basic curriculum. Best of all, this wider thinking will also allow our students to be even more successful when they complete their exams and in school tests.
Year 8 Assessments (w/b 27th January)
Alongside our Big Ideas work, we are running our ‘low stakes’ assessments, tests sat in the classroom that let us understand what we have taught them over the last term. For our students in Year 8 they can see guidance on their ‘Assessment’ page of their Frog account. This shows each student what to prepare and how to do well.
Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
On Wednesday this week we held an extended event where students in Year 12 and Year 13 hosted a lunch in the Sixth Form Centre for a group of Year 11 girls to explore STEM careers and A Level options. They were joined by former Greenshaw students, as well as representatives from the worlds of medicine, cancer research and construction. The Year 11 girls enjoyed hearing from past and present Sixth Formers, as well as guests from Cancer Research and Bowmer Kirkland, the construction company delivering our building project. I hope our students were inspired and motivated by alumni and working professionals in considering their future careers and A Level choices.
Curriculum Enhancement Days – Thursday 3rd April, Tuesday 15th July, Thursday 17th July
These enhancement days are in place of our normal timetable and compulsory for all students to attend. The opportunity will allow our students to take part in activities that extend beyond the classroom and provide new skills, knowledge and experiences. Please refer to the letter you were sent in November outlining the activities and payment details. All payments can be made on MCAS and further details for each year group will follow.
Students of the week
Well done to each of the students below for being nominated this week. I look forward to hearing about each of their achievements and the contributions that they have made to the school when we meet up on Monday.
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
6th Form |
Abdi-Hakim |
Lexi |
Sophia |
Freya |
Bushra / Abigail |
Wishing you all good and restful weekends.
Mr N House, Headteacher