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Greenshaw High School

Students create amazing work

GCSE art and design students have produced some amazing work in their timed examinations.

Another week, and another group of students is producing amazing work. It was the turn of our Year 11 GCSE students in 3-D design to design, craft and manufacture their ideas in the workshops as part of their timed examination. The photographs are of some of the students' 3-D design work completed in preparation for the exam. We cannot show the finished product while it is still being examined – but trust me, the final versions are even more impressive!

On Thursday, one of our local Members of Parliament visited the school to talk about democracy. Paul Scully MP, whose constituency Greenshaw sits within, met with A Level Politics students to talk about all aspects of law making, political life in Westminster and his own career path. The MP also met with the school council to talk with them about how they represent others and how democracy works in action. This was a great opportunity for students to understand in person some of the things that are discussed in lessons like PSHE and history from somebody actually in government.

Students of the week

Congratulations to our stars of the week listed below for maintaining their commitment, focus and sense of drive. Well done to all!

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Sixth Form







Helping others at Greenshaw – cake sale on Wednesday 1st May

A key part of our role as a school is to ensure all of our young people understand the importance of supporting others. This can mean their friendship group and others in their class, or sometimes how we support people less fortunate than ourselves.

We received a lovely letter from St Helier Hospital this week. One of their staff thanked our students for the many Easter egg donations that our students made before the holidays. In the letter, one of St Helier’s Junior Health Play Specialists said: "We couldn’t be more grateful for your amazing support –seeing the smiles on the children’s faces was amazing." The Children’s Ward had a few eggs, but when the donations arrived from Greenshaw – several crates of eggs – the hospital was able to share chocolate with every child visiting A&E, in outpatient visits and on the children’s ward.

Turning to this term, on Wednesday 1st May we will be having a doughnut sale in the playground to raise money for Oxfam’s Current Emergencies campaign. This charity supports humanitarian support in the form of fresh food parcels, hygiene kits and first aid supplies. Although we run a cashless school for this activity, we will accept coins, so staff and Sixth Form students supervising the sale will take £1.50 for a doughnut. Sales will be restricted to one cake per student.

I hope you all have a restful weekend, wishing you all the best.

Mr N House, Headteacher