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Greenshaw High School

Parent governor election

We are now holding a ballot to select our new parent governor.

I wrote to you on 17th January 2019 to invite applications for the role of parent governor on the Greenshaw High School local governing body.

We received three valid applications and are therefore now holding a ballot in which all parents/carers can vote to select the new parent governor.

The following documents are available for download below:

  • A ballot paper with the names of the candidates (in alphabetical order).
  • A copy of the personal statement from each of the candidates.
  • A guide to being a school governor, for information.

Each parent/carer can submit one ballot paper, regardless of the number of children you have attending the school. You may vote for one of the candidates. As indicated on the ballot paper, you should vote by marking an X alongside the name of the parent you wish to see elected.

Once you have printed out and marked the ballot paper you should fold it so that the blank side is outside, and then return it by Tuesday 5th March at 9.00am, either by:

  • Placing it in the ballot box in the school reception area, or
  • Posting it to ‘Parental ballot’, c/o the Clerk to the Governing Body, at the school.

The election will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast. In the event of a tie, lots will be drawn.

When the election has been completed, the result will be published on the school website and in the school newsletters. If in the meantime you have any queries, please get in touch with me at the email address below.

Maria Foster, Clerk to the Governing Body