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Greenshaw High School

The current hot weather – Wednesday 1st July

A note from Mr House.

The current hot weather – Wednesday 1st July

I wanted all parents and carers to know the steps we are taking in this spell of very hot weather. As a school, we want to ensure that our focus on learning is not diverted, while ensuring student wellbeing is maintained.

  • Drinking water is freely available from both of our dining halls before and after school, as well as at break and lunch. Students should carry a water bottle with them, and ensure that it is kept full.
  • In case this is not sufficient, in the warmer areas of the school we are supplying drinking water directly to the classrooms.
  • We have swapped some lessons into cooler classrooms, especially after lunch.
  • We will be advising students at break and lunch to find shade in the playground and rest.
  • Given this weather, there is no expectation that students should wear their school sweatshirt.

I have been impressed by the resilience our students have shown in the last few days and know that students will continue to make progress. I would like to ask for the support of families in ensuring that all of our students have a water bottle on their desk, this will be as important an item of equipment as their pencil case and school planner in the next few days.
Nick House, Headteacher